Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
bathroom design in a private house

The best bathroom design in a private house: interior ideas from

Six principles for decorating a bathroom in a private house

1 Consider a dark palette

2 Add color and print to your home bathroom design

3 Don’t limit yourself to tiles

4 Consider ergonomics carefully

5 Choose your plumbing

6 Don’t forget the decor

The interior of a combined bathroom in a private house has a number of obvious advantages. It almost always has a window, respectively, and plenty of natural light. The area, with rare exceptions, is also quite large. This means that here you can allow the implementation of the most daring and even non-standard ideas. Let’s talk about them.

Six principles for decorating a bathroom in a private house

  1. Consider a dark palette
  2. Add color
  3. Don’t limit yourself to tiles
  4. Carefully consider ergonomics
  5. Select plumbing
  6. Don’t forget decor

Consider a dark palette

Nothing looks so dramatic as the design of a dark bathroom in a private home. Black or graphite walls, dark gray or blue floors, black plumbing – all this looks luxurious in a spacious room.

An option for the brave: an absolutely dark bathroom, when there are no light colors in the decoration of the walls, or on the floor, or even in the plumbing. But it is quite difficult to arrange the space in this way, you need a look and a sense of style. And also this design should be combined with the style of the house.

Only the accent wall can be dark – this is a less risky stage. It is not scary to implement such an idea in a spacious bathroom: visually, the contrast will not significantly reduce the space.

An even simpler option is to choose dark plumbing. A tub bowl, a sink or a shower – all this can be the highlight of the toilet design. True, a significant drawback of such an idea is the cost of decent models. It is not easy to find a stylish solution among the products of the middle segment, but you will have to spend money on designer products.

1 Add color and print to your home bathroom design

Here, the principle is the same as in dark design. The bathroom zone allows you to conduct any experiment with color, even bright contrasting prints will not look too pretentious here.

The easiest way is to use color as an accent. It can be a wall or a decor: for example, window curtains, shower curtains, shelves, etc.

The safest pair: a bright print combined with texture. For example, you choose geometric floor tiles and marbled porcelain stoneware for your walls. And when decorating a bathroom in a wooden house, it makes sense to keep a bar (or another type of wooden trim) on the walls.

If you decide to experiment with color, use a few simple rules.

2 How to Work Properly with Color and Prints

Match the patterns in the same style. Maybe only professionals can combine classic prints with monograms and comics.

It is desirable that at least one color of the drawings coincide. Vaulting: Duplicate the less common shade of the main print into another.

3 Don’t limit yourself to tiles

This principle is in line with the previous one. If you are designing a spacious bathroom with a window in a private house, then you are practically unlimited in the choice of building materials.

In a spacious room, it is not necessary to cover all the walls with tiles or porcelain stoneware. You can use plaster and even wallpaper. Plus, when there are so many great options and colors in stores. They look especially good in classic and neoclassical interiors – the room instantly becomes cozier and warmer.

4 Consider ergonomics carefully

The design tips presented below are relevant for owners of modest and spacious bathrooms. These are average values ​​that will only change slightly depending on the size of the room.

At least 70 cm should be in front of the toilet, a little less can be counted at the edges, 40 cm is enough. Only it is better to place the bidet a little closer – by 30 cm.

5 Choose your plumbing

The eternal question of what to choose: a bathtub or a shower is not for owners of large bathrooms. Here the functionality can be increased several times.

If space allows, think about the location of the toilet and the shower. It’s an affordable luxury to have both. The same goes for height, because you are not limited by centimeters and walls.

Two sinks are a borrowed item from Western designers, a nice bonus. Especially if the family is large.

A freestanding bathtub is a dream of many, and in a country house it can be easily achieved. No approvals and transfers! A “but”: not everyone is ready to wash in the middle of the room. So better not risk it and turn to the classic bowl-shaped against the wall.

6 Don’t forget the decor

Here you can afford much more interesting and grand decor.

Live plants are essential in well-lit rooms. Greenery is present in almost every design project. Flowers placed in the bathroom are easy to water, and the constant humidity is good for them.

Paintings are an unexpected but very interesting decoration option. In the photo, the design of a classic bathroom in a wooden house looks very impressive! Hang them in a dry place, then the glass will protect the paper.

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