Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
decorating your home

1 Work of art

Find a part that you like in terms of performance and color. This will be the starting point for interior design. Add textiles in tones used in a painting, poster or reproduction. It can be decorative pillows or bedspreads, slipcovers or upholstery, a strip of curtains or a blanket on a sofa. Choose a carpet in one of the tones of the work of art, but in a luscious variation or on the contrary pastel. Use your favorite piece of art in your home and blend it seamlessly into the space.

2 Mats

If the interior already has a carpet with a beautiful color or an expressive pattern, make it a starting point for decorating. Highlight the main color of the rug with matching upholstery, located near or on it. Use the same shade or a different color to create contrast. The color wheel and simple rules of use will help to choose the right shade. Select the opposite rug hue in the same saturation on the color wheel for strong contrast.

3 Fabric pattern

If there are textiles in the room with a bright or eye-catching pattern, use them to decorate the space. Duplicate the background color of the fabric on large pieces of furniture, such as curtains or sofa upholstery. Back up the colors of the pattern with a shade from an ottoman, armchair or rug. Take a closer look at what colors, in addition to the background and patterns, are present in the fabric. Apply these shades in small decor.

4 Favorite color

Any color decor will fit into a neutral interior. Take your favorite color, divide it into shades and bring it inside. Mix light and dark options, combine fabrics of the same color, but with a different pattern or different materials. Look for diaper fabrics that use your hue as one of the primary colors. It’s easier to add your favorite hue with textiles and decorative items

5 Natural color

If the room is small, bright colors can visually make it even smaller. Using only light colors is boring, so use natural shades. Soothing neutrals will make the room soft and cozy. For large areas, use light colors: beige, light gray, olive. Carefully introduce contrasting dark tones in the contours of furniture and decoration: in the body of the wooden furniture, the table legs, the metal shelf leg, the picture frames. Use textures, prints, stripes, polka dots, geometry, interesting weaves in textiles to diversify the interior. Use materials with different feel in the same color or shade: leather, velvet, textured wood, metal, fur.

6 Lamp

If the room is already present or you have chosen a lamp of unusual shape and color, make it the starting point of the room. Repeat the color of the lamp in the upholstery, cushions, wall decoration. “Mention” this shade in the patterned textiles in the room. Such a technique will visually connect the components of the room and unite them, even if they are made of different fabrics, with patterns of different themes. Duplicate the color of the metal base of the lamp in one of the pieces of furniture

7 Family value or inheritance

Use something that’s already in the house as a starting point. It could be a family heirloom, a valuable or interesting piece of furniture, an expensive quality keepsake, or a handmade piece that may have been made with your own hands. Select this object in the interior, create a neutral or contrasting background for it, let it become the point of attraction of the eye, the compositional center of the room. Support the style, decoration or color of the item with additional decor, or leave it in splendid isolation

8 Inspirational example

Check out design projects or finished homes on social media or the internet. Find a setting that inspires, think carefully about the details, colors, textures and patterns used. Note to self: Do you like contrasts or smooth color transitions? Take an inspiring example, but don’t copy it, put your own sense of comfort and beauty, add something unique to yourself. So you get an author’s interior with a soul, which is difficult to suspect of plagiarism.

9 New decoration element

If inspiration doesn’t come to you, and until you have a plan for decorating the room, give yourself some time. Visit furniture stores, maybe something will catch your eye, you will like it and you will want to buy it for your home. Take your time, take small steps. Buy a new decorative item, find a place for it, and see if and how support is needed. It might be worth buying the same item, but smaller or bigger, or maybe it’s self-supporting and doesn’t require support. Don’t get a lot of decorative items that you like if they’re not related to color, texture, or theme. Add a single painting, a blanket, an art object or put a single colorful pouf.

By admin

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